New Year, New Opportunities

Each January the new year brings a chance to start again, a reset, a chance to see things from a new perspective. For many of you this may mean new goals, new challenges, and new projects. For The Water Biz (TWB) this time is a chance to reflect, to examen what we have done in the past year and what lies ahead in the year to come.

Each January the new year brings a chance to start again, a reset, a chance to see things from a new perspective. For many businesses this means new goals, new challenges, and new projects. For The Water Biz (TWB) this time is a chance to reflect, to examen what we have accomplished in 2021 and what lies ahead in the year to come.  As TWB looks at what we have accomplished in 2021, we continue to look for ways to build on our successes.

New Challenges

For TWB, 2021 was the start of our newsletter. The newsletter came about as a result of some of the new challenges we faced in the prior year. In 2020, suddenly, we were not able to connect with our customers in-person as we had grown accustom to doing.  As most of you experienced, almost everything became virtual which introduced new challenges when connecting with our customers. 

New Opportunities

As a result of COVID safety measures, information which needed to get to our customers now needed to be delivered virtually. Our team could no longer depend solely on prior methods of communication. TWB wanted a better way to keep customers informed and remain connected regardless of what is going on around us. After looking at all the possible options, the newsletter was the clear solution.

New Year, New Opportunities

As the year was coming to a close we realized that our subscribers in 2022 were going to be looking for more from our humble newsletter. In 2021, our newsletter was just getting off the ground. Now our readers would be looking for information which was helpful and engaging. Our goals for the new year are to take what we accomplished in 2021 and add new, engaging content for our readers.

2022 Newsletter Goals

  • Distributing critical information 
  • Build a sense of connection with readers.
  • Provide engaging content on water filtration and related topics

In 2022, this is what we aim to do with our newsletter. We will continue to utilize the newsletter to distribute critical information and to connect with our readers. We hope to add even more value by providing content which is both helpful and engaging for our readers.

Do you have ideas for content you would like to see from TWB? If so, head over to our contact page and send us your idea today!

*Photo by Jess Bailey Designs from Pexels

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